Keep Kids Connected

Many young people in Canada face adversities and struggle with societal barriers. Especially during this time of COVID 19, imagine a young person already facing barriers now dealing with the additional stress of the pandemic, physical distancing measures keeping them away from their friends, school and community supports. Their families face unemployment and financial stress and uncertainty.

It is important to protect the health and wellbeing of our youth, as toxic stress is growing within Canadian homes . Big Brothers Big Sisters has actively been providing services even when the world around us slowed down. We believe mentoring is an essential service, and throughout this pandemic our agency staff continue to support mentors, mentees and their families by staying in touch, advocating on behalf of families, connecting mentees and their families to other essential community supports.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is uniquely positioned to provide personalized out-of-school, virtual support, and our mentors continue to serve as a vital source of consistency and connection. But we can only do this with your support.

Keeping Kids Connected will feature testimonials, interviews, and storytelling that highlights the essential intervention and the work we do. This event will stream nationally on social media platforms including Facebook and YouTube, to over 212,000 viewers across North America.